Vet Check Up

Bella here…well my vet appointment on Friday went well.  It took a few visits after my amputation but I’m back to loving the vet’s office again.  Dr. Dye told my paw-rents how he thought I was a miracle but they already knew that.  I am holding steady at 130 which is fantastic because I really like food and my paw-rents don’t want me to gain too much weight since I’m a big girl already.  I also started a food supplement on Saturday called Immunity by Organic Pet Superfood.  It’s just a dried mushroom powder but apparently it’s suppose to be good for us and our human friends with regard to cancer prevention.  Momma asked the vet about it on Friday and he thought it would be fine to add to my diet.

I am fighting a bit of a bladder infection but Dr. Dye thinks it’s probably a side effect of the chemo so I’m on antibiotics for a couple of weeks and then I have to make another present for the vet to look at to see if the infection is gone.  No blood or crystals in my urine though which was good news for me and my family.  Keep being heroes out there and fighting the good fight…Bella hopping out!


Yeah 2014!

Bella here, just wanted to check in with everyone.  I am doing fantastic.  We had a great Christmas and we are all looking forward to a great year.  I’m still on low-dose chemo and prednisone, I go in for another check-up this Friday and for my yearly shots (ew I don’t like needles).  I can’t believe it’s been 5 months since I became a tri-pawd.  Mom and Pappa got me new boots as a part of my Christmas, I liked the pig ears and my stuffed gator better but sometimes a girl has got to have new shoes.  Pappa took a picture of me sporting them.  I really like the way they give me extra traction.  It took us a bit to find a good fit and the right boot but we kept trying and finally got it right.  I’ve come a long way since I came home with three legs.  I now run around, can easily go down steps (I’ve been doing that for some time) and in the last couple of months I have learned to come back up them with out help.  I can fend for myself for the most part and I am loving life on three legs.  Mom has been taking me for more car rides that don’t include a visit to the vet which makes me smile although I have grown quite fond of him after all he helped save my life!  Happy hoppin my friends.  Bella out 🙂

P.S. Here are  a few pics of me over the last couple of months.  Eventually momma is going to figure out how to post a video of me running around out back…but we’re still learning.

Styling in my new Christmas shoes.
Styling in my new Christmas shoes.
Beggin from Momma and successfully looking cute!
Beggin from Momma and successfully looking cute!
Posing under my tree.
Posing under my tree.
Yummy lamb's lung…maybe Pappa will give me an extra one!
Yummy lamb’s lung…maybe Pappa will give me an extra one!